Tea Time #2

  • 11 September 2024
  • Blog

If there’s one thing I drink a lot of, it’s tea. The labels of a popular tea brand often freature fun little questions. By answering them, I learn more about myself.

If you were immortal for one day, what would you do?

“That’s quite the question! If I were immortal for a day, I’d likely head to the most dangerous place on Earth. After all, if you’re invincible for a day, you might as well make the most of it. So, I’d visit ‘The Elephant’s Foot’ in Chernobyl and explore the surrounding area.”



Geek, Weeb, Metalhead, Tuba Player & Couchpotato. That pretty much sums me up. Although some people also call me 'Party', 'Gargamel' and 'The Listmaster'. Anyhow, that's me, 43 years old and crazy enough to write about all kinds of crap. My music taste you ask? That's simple: True Skaro Wookie-Fronted Klingon Metal. As long as it's loud. Rock and geek on!

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